The Word That Matters

Living in the information age provides us with no shortage of words. Words are coming at us from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed in all forms. Social media, texts, emails, and podcasts to name a few, not to mention the more established television and books. 

The irony, of course, is that I am writing a blog post for you to read and digest as well. I love words in all forms. I usually begin my day by reading my Bible, journaling, and then a favorite podcast teaching. When I am doing chores around the house, I often entertain myself with another podcast or audible book. 

These things are not inherently bad. I enjoy having words at my fingertips. There is an advantage to living in these times for sure. 

However, the danger is we can get so caught up in other people’s words that we neglect to hear the word of the Lord through His written word, the Bible. Even if we spend time listening to sermons or teachings from great followers of Christ, but we don’t go to God directly to hear what He has to say we are neglecting the Word that matters.

Can you imagine being in a marriage or a friendship where the other person only knows you by what other people say about you? How would that work? You would have to be reliant on an interpreter to interpret your every word and action correctly and then explain it to a person who wants to be in an intimate relationship with you. I am sure you can imagine a million ways where this would go wrong.

But isn’t this what we do to God when we only allow others to interpret Him for us? Hearing how others experience God can be helpful, but they should be alongside our one-on-one relationship with God, not the bulk of the relationship.

God has so many things to tell us. He has so many things He wants to show us. He is a deeply personal God. He created us intimately and knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows how to speak to and develop a relationship with us. God longs for intimacy with each and every one of us. 

One of my favorite speakers, Graham Cooke, often says that the Bible is the only book you will ever read that the author reads over your shoulder and highlights different things to you. I love the picture this paints. 

Recently, I had some circumstances with my health, and I experienced some intense anxiety around it. I can struggle with fear or worry as much as any person, but I rarely struggle with such intense anxiety. 

I was praying and opened my Bible to Psalm 23. I very much enjoy reading this particular Psalm and meditating on it. To me, it shows a God that is our protector and our leader and our friend and we can completely trust Him. While I was reading, the Lord had me picture myself in the “oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss” Psalm 23:2 (TPT). 

As I was picturing myself there totally safe and protected, the Lord also led me to Ephesians 6. Beginning in verse 13, Paul gives us instructions on how to fight our enemy, satan. He tells us that we need to put on the full armor of God. We need the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness, shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, “and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17(NLT)

As I was thinking about being in this meadow completely safe and protected but also wearing the full armor of God that God has provided for us, I realized that the only weapon of offense of the armor was the sword of the Spirit. The next thought for me was no wonder the enemy uses a ton of time and energy to convince us as believers to put this weapon down. 

There are many attacks on the word of God. It can be as simple as not making time to read the Bible, excuses that the Bible is difficult to understand, or many people feeling they don’t know where to start. It can also be as deceptive as thoughts that the Bible is not relevant for today. There is also an ongoing attack where people have begun to read and interpret the Bible through the grid of cultural relevance and allowing culture to dictate what is Biblical rather than reading the Bible and learning what in our culture does not align with the word of God.

We fight a very real enemy. The Bible says the enemy prowls around seeking what he can destroy. He is here to kill, steal, and destroy. 

But God has given us a way out. He has not only saved us but given us tools to fight the enemy. The enemy works hard to get us to discount the Bible or distract us from it because it is our weapon of offense against him! Can you imagine a soldier on the battlefield fully armed with protection but no weapon of offense? How long would that soldier last?

I encourage you today, friend, that if you have laid down your weapon of offense, pick it back up! It is key in your battle against the enemy. Whatever you are battling – anxiety, depression, fear, health issues, or problems with family, the Bible has answers for you. The Bible is the word that matters. It is life-giving and promise-filled. You will walk away encouraged. 

If you are struggling with where to start with the Bible, here are some quick helpful tips to get you started.

  1. Pick a translation that you enjoy.

Many people will argue for or against a certain translation of the Bible. Do you know the best translation? The one you read. The advantage of these times is through Bible apps we have the blessing of multiple translations readily available for us. I like to read some Bible verses in multiple translations to see how it resonates. 

  1. Set aside a time of day dedicated to reading the Bible and stick with it until it becomes a habit. In different seasons of my life, the time of day I read the Bible changed depending on my schedule. Sometimes I would read first thing in the morning and sometimes I would read at night before going to bed. I know some people whose work schedule allows them to read on their lunch. Find a time that works for you, and build it into your life. Don’t feel guilty if you miss some days. Jump back in and try again.
  1. Find creative ways to read the Bible. A few years ago, my husband and I had the opportunity to join a Bible study at our local church. In this study, we worked our way through the Immerse Bible. They had divided the Bible into sections and it was read like a novel with no chapters and verses. I enjoyed this experience because it flowed together like a story, and I felt I experienced the Bible in a new and different way. 

There are also ways to read based on a calendar. One such program that is growing in popularity is the Bible Recap. The Bible is read in chronological order and you can watch a recap video each day where the hostess helps break down what you just read. Again, don’t worry if you miss a day or two, just jump back in. 

  1. Journal – Sometimes it helps to write down what you feel the Lord is showing you in any particular passage. It is faith-building to revisit your journal and see that the Lord really did show you something in a passage and now you have a record of it. 

I want to encourage you to not worry about how you start but just to pick up your sword. It is a mighty weapon against the enemy, one the Lord provided for you to use. If you are longing for a victorious Christian life then let the Lord speak to you through the word that matters. 

Check out these other great posts.

Use Words Wisely by Regina Marcazzo-Skarka

Simple is Better – Words Matter by Dianne Vielhuber

Words: Building Blocks For Your Soul by Lisa Crowder

The Most Powerful Word by Ashley Olivine

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