Three Ways We Can Partner With God

I have been blessed to be a part of a local church pretty much since birth. I love the local church and what it can do for people and the community. However, I also know there are some beliefs that have seeped into the church that can do harm to us as a body of Christ moving forward.

One of those beliefs I affectionately refer to as “the rapture culture.” I was essentially raised in “the rapture culture.” I was taught that Jesus was coming back any day, and we, as Christians, needed to be prepared for that day. This was sometimes more important than accomplishing what we were called to do in our lives. 

Now I understand Jesus returning for His bride is definitely supported by scripture. Jesus and, later in scripture, Paul and others discuss the return of Christ. However, in Matthew 24, Jesus says that no one but the Father knows the day or the hour this will happen. 

I think we should trust God in His wisdom that He does not want to reveal the exact day and time. So what do we do in the meantime? We realize that God has placed us on this earth for this exact time for a purpose. Instead of using our time trying to validate why we think the return of Christ is imminent, I think we need to be using our time asking the Lord how he wants to partner with us. 

Let’s look at the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. Jesus is telling the story of a master who passes out talents (money) to his servants. He gives one five talents, another two talents, and another one talent. The servants with five talents and two talents invested their money and doubled their money. The servant with one talent buried his money out of fear. When the master returns, he is pleased with the servants who invested their money and angry with the one who buried it. 

I feel there are many people waiting around for the rapture and, in doing so are burying the treasure God has given them. They are so concerned with the return of Jesus that they have forgotten what our purpose here on earth is. I do not feel we are here to white-knuckle it until Christ returns. We are here to influence the culture around us. 

1 John 1:4(AMPC) “Little children, you are of God (you belong to Him) and have (already) defeated and overcome them (the agents of the antichrist), because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.”

If that is true, we have to realize that when we are resting fully in our identity as God’s children, we are a powerful representative of Him and can accomplish much with Him. 

Yes, we are living in the end times, but we have been living in the end times since Jesus ascended into heaven. What if the disciples had said okay, you heard Jesus. He is coming back for us, so lets go back to our lives and wait it out. Think of all the people that would not have heard the gospel. Think of the church that would not have been established.

What does this “rapture culture” do? It robs us of our destiny. It sidelines us. Instead of setting up generations behind us for a future with God, it sidelines them. The Bible (John 10:10) clearly states that the enemy came to steal, kill, and destroy. One way he does that is by talking us out of our destiny with God and our purpose here on earth.

If we believe our purpose is to hunker down and white knuckle it until Jesus comes back, we are truly not walking in our destiny and calling with God. We truly don’t know what our identity is. God created us for so much more. He calls us overcomers. He did not drop us here on this earth to wait it out until his return. 

In fact, God longs to partner with us. All over the Bible, there is story after story of how God partners with His people. He is big enough and powerful enough to do it all on his own, but he chooses to partner with us. He just needs us to be willing to partner with him.

Here are three main ways God partners with us:

  1. To Bring His Kingdom to Earth

When Jesus came to Earth, He said I am here, and I am bringing my kingdom with me.(Matthew 4:17) He was saying I am here to fulfill the law, and now my kingdom is close enough to touch. God has always partnered with His people. He partnered with Abraham to bring about His chosen people. He partnered with Joseph to save His people from famine. He partnered with Esther to save His people from death. In the New Testament, we see that after Jesus ascends into heaven, Jesus partners with the disciples to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons. The disciples invited all people into a relationship with Jesus. God is still doing this today. He wants to partner with you to continue to bring His kingdom here on earth.

  1. To Influence Culture

Did you know that we are here to influence culture? So many of us allow the culture to influence us. We read the Bible through the grid of our culture rather than allowing the Bible to shape our culture. As we connect with God and hear his heart on matters, we are meant to go out into culture and influence those around us. Start with the people God has already placed in your life. Who are those people around you who may not have anyone speaking truth and love and grace into their lives? Who are those people around you who need encouragement and prayer? Begin with them. Allow God to show you His heart for them. Pray for them. Encourage them. That is how you influence culture.  

  1. To Use Our Talents for Him

What are the gifts and talents God has blessed you with that you can use for his glory? When I was teaching school, I knew I was on a mission. I loved teaching, and I enjoyed working with children. That was something God had blessed me with. But also, while I was there, I prayed for the children in my classroom. I spoke blessings over them. I encouraged and championed them. I also did this with my coworkers. I wanted them to know how much God loved them. I didn’t often do this overtly. There were times my coworkers did not know I was praying for them, and there were times they did, depending on their receptivity. 

I have a precious friend who is a hairstylist. She feels the Lord has called her to pray over the clients who sit in her chair. She does not advertise this. She just does this quietly as she works on their hair. How many people has she blessed and influenced because she is obeying what she feels the Lord has asked her to do? 

So, my friend, what has God blessed you with? What are the talents and abilities He has given you? How can you use those to partner with God?

Remember, friend, God is always for you, never against you. He loves you more than you can know. If you are not sure how He wants to partner with you, ask Him. He will be faithful to show you. He longs to partner with you and bless you as you bring His kingdom to Earth!

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